Innovative TechCentre Private Limited takes pride in the provision of state-of-the-art IT Hardware Rental, Hire, Lease and ancillary services through its proficient team of technical and management professionals.
With the philosophy of Client Satisfaction at its core, since 2006 Innovative has been incessantly meeting the IT Hardware needs of clients in varied domains across industries in India
True to its name, Innovative has revolutionized the traditional business activity of rentals by:
Application of contemporary digital tools in routine transactional dealings
Introduction of service levels provided typically in the hospitality industry
Deployment of optimal technical brains from the hardware industry.
Consequently, we have delivered and demonstrated superlative quality products and services at competitive prices, consistently.
Owing to our relentless efforts and unparalleled support from all our stakeholders including Vendor Partners, Clients and Staff Members, we are moving swiftly on the path of being a leading IT Hardware Rental institution in India.
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